Daily Podcast

How To Live Now: The Power of Each Moment You Are Probably Ignoring

The Shut Up No One Cares Get Back To Work Podcast

A bite-size show covering Mindset, Productivity, and Big Ideas rooted in evergreen first Principles that will stand the test of time.

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

The Daily 6

Daily Thought and quote

“If you are depressed, you are living in the past, if you are anxious, you are living in the future, if you are at peace, you are living in the present.” -Lao Tzu

Your life is lived a second at a time. You never reach the future and you never go back to the past.

The second, right now, is all you ever have.
This second. Now this one. Now This one.
How you spend your seconds is how you spend your life.
Every second of the day is a choice.
How will you spend it?

Daily tip or recommendation:
Intermittent fasting. Use it. It is life-changing. It is based on your human biology.

The most common misconception of intermittent fasting is it is calorie restriction. But it’s not. Regular fasting could be considered calorie restriction since you likely go a day or more without food.

But intermittent fasting is based on meal timing: when you eat your calories, not how much you eat.

If you eat 2000 calories a day, you can get those calories within an 8 hour window or you can eat those calories spaced our throughout your entire day. When you keep them within an 8 hour window, the time between “feedings” is where you get the fasting benefit. So an 8-hour window results in a 16-hour fast from day to day.

And that is intermittent fasting.

Daily book recommendation:

The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell

All of his books are so well written that you breeze through them. Great writing doesn’t feel like reading. It’s like watching a movie in your head.

Daily health tip:

Find something you need to do and do it outside. You’ll get vitamin D, you’ll get something done, and you’ll be outside soaking up nature.

Daily Cooking Tip

Get one good sharp knife. Then consider an automatic knife sharpener or at least a honing steel rod. A little bit of care and maintenance will keep your knife sharp. And a sharp knife is a must for respecting ingredients.

Daily thoughts about money:

Track your spending for a month. If you don’t know what you’re spending, how can you possibly know whether you are in the red or black each month? You can’t.

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/Colin Stuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.

Daily Podcast

How To Be A Leader: Stop People Pleasing and Be Who You Are

The Escaping Fragility Podcast (Previously the ShutUp show)

A bite-size show covering Mindset, Productivity, and Big Ideas rooted in evergreen first Principles that will stand the test of time.

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

How To Be A Leader: Stop People Pleasing and Be Who You Are

“We've got to stop pandering and start leading.” -Victor Mitchell

We all need to become leaders.

We can lead our communities, our families, even in parts of our relationships.

Don’t mistake leader for dictator.

I’m not suggesting you tell people what to do or scold them every chance you get in the name of leading them.

No, what we need from leaders are two simple things.

We need leaders to stop people-pleasing and we need leaders to develop their own ideas and be willing to share them.

More than anything, be willing to disagree without being dogmatic.

A few traits of a successful leader include the willingness to say I don’t know, to have a lack of opinion rather than knowing everything. To empower people to question, challenge, and debate without the hostility and us vs them that usually comes with it.

For you, you can lead by becoming confident in who you are. Really, that’s it.

Instead of saying things that you think are “accepted,” state what you really think. If you haven’t spent time considering it, be willing to shrug your shoulders and say, “I don’t know... I haven’t thought about it much.”

This itself is leadership. It’s showing people that it’s OK to not have opinions on everything.

Today everyone expects everyone to stand on this side or that. But that’s a fools’ errand, and it’s the core reason so much of our society has become fractured and our politician system inefficient.

Relationships die because partners do and say what they think their partners want them to do any say. So they stifle what they really want to do and say.

Businesses die because no one challenges the CEO.

Countries die when you make enemies of your own countrymen.

We need more people committing to one side less, shrugging their shoulders more, and showing others its OK to discuss, disagree, and be OK with doing so.

It starts with the individual, you.

The more you question the world you live in, the more humbled you’ll become. This will translate into a step back from too strong convictions and all the trappings that come with it. Encourage others to do the same.

And when you really believe something because you’ve considered it, be willing to say that as well. Show people that you will be resolute when needed. You’ll get more respect by being flexible on other things.

We need more leaders and fewer pundits, idols, and talking head politicians.

The Daily 6

Daily quote:

We've got to stop pandering and start leading.

Victor Mitchell

Daily tip or recommendation:

Meditation doesn’t have to be an elaborate thing. Take 60 seconds to stare off and think about nothing. Let your thoughts float on by. In the shower is great. You can count your breath. The way I do it is this: count 1 in and 1 out with each breath, then 2, then 3. I try to visualize the number going from small to large then large to small in my mind. Try one minute today. This is a small practice that can have big effects.

Daily book recommendation:
The Boron Letters - by Gary Halbert.

Gary is my favorite copywriter of all time. Some day he is the best. These are letters he wrote his son about life and writing when he was at Boron prison camp for mail fraud (apparently someone broke into his house and stole a bunch of unopened mail and then cashed the checks or took the cash and left no record. So Gary was unable to fulfill those orders and complaints filed in.).

Either way, Gary was a genius marketer. If you are remotely interested in writing or marketing, read this book. Another free resource is TheGaryHalbetLetter.com - amazing.

Daily health tip:

Epsom salt soak at night + take ZMA or a solid magnesium product. IF you struggle with sleep at all, make this your routine.

Daily Cooking Tip:

Preheat your pan... way more than you think. A hot pan, some oil, then a dried ingredient is the key to a good sear.

Daily thoughts about money:

Stowaway money in places you will forget then set reminders once a year, or never if you know you’ll eventually find it. Online savings accounts are great. Or cash somewhere in your closet works.

When it is out of sight, you won’t have the same mental energy assigned to trying to spend it. This is a real thing. Like a nagging to-do item that you want to finish, money “burns a hole in your pocket” the same way. So remove it from your brain and forget about it. That’s one of the keys to saving if you struggle to save.

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/Colin Stuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.

Daily Podcast

Focus is The Key To Success & Knowing What To Ignore is The Key To Focus

The Escaping Fragility Podcast (Previously the ShutUp show)

A bite-size show covering Mindset, Productivity, and Big Ideas rooted in evergreen first Principles that will stand the test of time.

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

The Daily 6

Daily tip or recommendation:

2 hours a day. That’s it. If you can build two hours a day of focused, AIRPLANE mode work to do one thing at a time, you’ll change your life.

I say “change your life” often because most of the ideas I like to talk about our BIG ideas based on First Principles. And a 2-hour deep work routine is a cornerstone of being successful in life. Period. No exceptions.

Read Cal Newport’s book Deep Work on the topic. But more importantly, start today. Protect 2 hours a day, every day, and watch your life change for the better.

Tips include noise-canceling headphones, airplane mode, finding where you will do the work, then protecting that time on your calendar, and from friends and family at all costs.

Daily book recommendation:

Deep Work by Cal Newport.

Daily health tip:

Deep Work. Yup, this is also a health tip.

When I get more deep work in, I feel better. My mood is better. When I miss my deep work routine or half-ass it, I’m stressed and anxious.

Daily Cooking Tip

Cook 2 pounds of ground beef in some butter and use a ton of salt and seasonings. Then eat then store the rest in the fridge for later. Finally, when you reheat your ground beef, use a hot pan and some more fat to cook it down a bit more. This will build flavor and it is the secret to reheating leftovers, especially ground beef.

Daily thoughts about money:

Setup auto-investments that debit once a month. Then don’t touch those accounts. Don’t look at them more than a couple of times a year, if that. You want to “set it and forget it.”

The power comes from forgetting about an investment then realizing you have $10,000 stored away. (This happened to me recently, and it’s a cool feeling.)

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/Colin Stuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.

Daily Podcast

Make any business hire you - this is how

The Escaping Fragility Podcast (Previously the ShutUp show)

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

The Daily 6

Daily quote:

You must immerse yourself in your work. You have to fall in love with your work ... You must dedicate your life to mastering your skill. That’s the secret of success.”

― Chef Jiro

Daily tip or recommendation: Keep things simple. Essential. The One Thing. Minimalism.

A deep life is based on doing fewer things but deeper.

Daily book recommendation:

Essentialism. The One Thing. Deep Work

Daily health tip:


Daily Cooking Tip

Buy one really good nonstick pan and treat it well. Don’t use metal utensils. Wash it then hand dry.

Daily thoughts about money:

Map out everything on a google spreadsheet. Then set a google calendar reminder to check it once a month. Adjust income and expenses up or down. There are many apps to track how you spend, that would be ideal as well to see trends and put things into buckets.

If money is tight, and you aren’t paying attention, you are becoming poor. Do not go into debt for non-functional purchases. You become a debt slave.

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/Colin Stuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.

Daily Podcast

Your Goals Are Too Big: How To Use Tiny Habits To Accomplish Anything

The Escaping Fragility Podcast (Previously the ShutUp show)

A bite-size show covering Mindset, Productivity, and Big Ideas rooted in evergreen first Principles that will stand the test of time.

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

The Daily 6

Daily quote:

“Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones.”

-Benjamin Franklin

Daily tip or recommendation:

Think bigger. Look wider. Take the broad view into account. Then try to reverse down to the micro. The bigger you can go in your understanding and the smaller you can go, the better.

Daily book recommendation:

Scribd.com - like Netflix for books and audiobooks. Has saved me probably over a thousand dollars on audible.

Daily health tip:

Get off sweet coffee. If all you did was move your sweet coffee beverages to dark, black or a dash of cream, you’d save yourself countless extra calories and sugar over the years.

Daily Cooking Tip

Use your oven. This thing is so powerful, it just takes time. So get some sheet pans, a rack, some salt and ingredients. Then set it to 350° and toss your ingredients in some oil and salt then put in your oven until you see color. Take a piece out, taste it, then put back in or eat.

Daily thoughts about money:

Take advantage of money-saving tools. There are many today. Reward credit cards with no yearly fee. Simple and oxygen-free and cashback debit cards. Etc

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/Colin Stuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.


Manage Your Perceptions: How To Stop Letting Negativity Run Your Life

The Escaping Fragility Podcast (Previously the ShutUp show)

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

The Daily 6

Daily quote:

“Keep constant guard over your perceptions, for it is no small thing you are protecting, but your respect, trustworthiness and steadi- ness, peace of mind, freedom from pain and fear, in a word your freedom. For what would you sell these things?”

—Epictetus, Discourses, 4.3.6b–8

Daily tip or recommendation:

Figure out a productivity app and stick with it. I use asana personally and with our team. I was using Todoist for whale, but then brought it all together for simplicity and focus sake. The key is committing. Give yourself a 90day challenge to maintain the productivity system and never miss it.

  • Process your inbox daily.

  • Schedule things with due dates always, then if you can’t complete it, reschedule the due date. Use recurring tasks for things that have to get done.

  • Never use your memory - your memory is not a system.

Daily book recommendation:

Getting things done by David Allen.

Daily health tip:

Gratitude: there are a lot of ways to do this, a gratitude journal, thinking about things, and realizing you have so much to be grateful for, etc.

Daily Cooking Tip

Melted butter with a dash of salt is one of the easiest ways to flavor a meal. And it’s healthy!

Daily thoughts about money:

Try to focus your spending on investments... and not just actual investments, but investments in yourself and your experiences. A trip to Europe for two weeks may have a more profound effect on you than buying the new MacBook. But the MacBook also might be an investment because it could save you hours of your life waiting for our old laptop to catchup. Both hard decisions, so figure out what provides the most investment into your life.

Manage Your Perceptions: How To Stop Letting Negativity Into Your Life

You already know you are what you think.

This isn’t new to you. Maybe you need a reminder.

The reason I know this about you is you wouldn't be reading this in the places it’s posted online if you didn’t know this.

So yes, you understand the importance of controlling the things that go into your mind and you nod your head in easy agreement.

So the question becomes, what are you doing about it?

Are you being ruthless with what you let into your eyes and ears?

Or do you let your phone, the news, social media, your co-workers, your friends, your family, and your partner lead you into discussions, topics, ideas, and negativity you wouldn’t otherwise choose?

Stop right now.

If you want to do anything great in life, you have to become a vigilant defender of what you let into your mind and life. Having strict gatekeepers should not only be for the rich and powerful.

We all must protect our mindshare from everything that tries to come through without our approval.

If you respect yourself, you will be ok saying NO to anything and everything that tries to infect your mind.

Easier said than done, I know.

So go to the root: find the situations where things come at you so you can figure out how to deal with them on purpose.

Walk away. Change the subject. Be nice about it. If nice doesn't work, walk away and use a matter of fact approach. Again, don't be hostile. Calm and collected always wins.

I find that you don’t have to yell or critique or shame people into changing their behavior if you plainly state what you need and what you are going to do.

If someone was yelling in your face, you’d walk away. You might explain you are going to walk away and then do it, or not. Ether way, there is no confusion about why you are walking away, so just do it.

I find this one of the best strategies for showing the world you don't accept certain things anymore. What you do always says more than what you say you're going to do.

People will respect you for it, even if they don’t always like it.

If you don’t choose what comes into your life, others will choose for you. And when that happens, what life are you actually living? Who are you actually?

This is not a light matter you can brush off or pretend “isn’t a big deal.”

It is. It’s the biggest deal. It’s the epicenter of everything in your life.

Love yourself enough to choose yourself. Choose what life you are going to live by controlling what you let into it.

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/Colin Stuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.


Why waking up early is bad for you - it's not what you think.

The Escaping Fragility Podcast (Previously the ShutUp show)

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

The Daily 6

Daily quote:

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. -Confucius

Daily tip or recommendation:

Buy a sound machine. Or a box fan. White noise for sleep helps you get into a deeper sleep, it’s a trick for falling asleep faster as your body gets used to it and it blocks out sounds in the morning that may disrupt sleep cycles. It’s amazing and I travel with 3 usually.

Daily book recommendation:

Deep Work - you’ve probably heard me talk about Deep Work at some point. I’m an emphatic believer in the importance of a daily deep work routine and how it revolutionizes work. So ya, read the book.

Daily health tip:

Deep breaths. I need to do this more myself. Take a minute or so each day or multiple times a day and take deep breaths. Game changer for reducing stress and calming your mind as the day goes on and stress builds up.

Daily Cooking Tip

Try brining. Brine chicken and other white meat. Brine your own pork belly. Anything that preseasons meat overnight is HUGE For your meals tasting better.

Daily thoughts about money:

When it comes to stocks, my strategy is to focus on fewer companies that I believe are going to be here for the long run. This is not investment advice, this is just my strategy.

When you build the mindset as an owner of Apple or Amazon or Berkshire Hathaway, for example, you will be less likely to sell when you shouldn’t and buy more when you should. Stock investing is company investing, never forget that, so think about what companies you want to own in your life. Then buy and hold forever.

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/Colin Stuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.


How To Be Productive Like Stephen King - The 1000 Words A Day Rule

The Escaping Fragility Podcast (Previously the ShutUp show)

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

The Daily 6

Daily quote:

“I focus on one thing and one thing only - that's trying to win as many championships as I can.”

-Kobe Bryant

Daily tip or recommendation:

Question more, make statements less.

Daily book recommendation:

Never Split The Difference, a book on negotiation and persuasion. 

Daily health tip:

If you aren’t hungry don’t eat. Utilize intermittent fasting. Don’t SNACK. Snacking is the bane of health and weight management.

Daily Cooking Tip:

Use more salt than you think is correct. Get the salt I use at Wild Foods.

Daily thoughts about money:

If you want to become successful; with your finances, you have to become self-aware. There is no way you can be successful with saving and investing if you don’t have a solid foundation of knowing who’s you are and what you want.

Otherwise, you’ll go into CC debt, buy things you don’t need to fill voids in your life and otherwise be the typical unaware, zombie customer buying products and services for years as a means of finding fulfillment.

It won’t work. All you’ll end up is fat, sick and headed for an early grave. Yes, it’s that important. Self-awareness is at the base of everything.

1000 Words A Day

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/Colin Stuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.


What To Do When You Lose Your Work

The Escaping Fragility Podcast (Previously the ShutUp show)

A bite-size show covering Mindset, Productivity, and Big Ideas rooted in evergreen first Principles that will stand the test of time.

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

The Daily 6

Daily quote: To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering. -Nietzsche

Daily tip or recommendation: When you don’t want to do it, recognize that as a weak muscle. A habit muscle. Then do it and BUILD that muscle.

Daily book recommendation: Obstacle is the Way

Daily health tip: Take more walks - use audiobooks while walking or driving

Daily Cooking Tip: Watch some HOW TO COOK X YouTube videos. Here’s one on cooking steak.

Daily thoughts about money: Get Simple or Oxygen no fee debit cards. There is NO reason to pay overdraft fees other than laziness in opening a new account.

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/Colin Stuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.


Your Life Will Be A Series of Choices... Choose Wisely

The Escaping Fragility Podcast (Previously the ShutUp show)

A bite-size show covering Mindset, Productivity, and Big Ideas rooted in evergreen first Principles that will stand the test of time.

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

The Daily 6

Daily quote: From bear above

Daily tip or recommendation: Actively simplify, reduce and get down to the essential in life. The concepts to explore here are 80/20 and essentialism.

Daily book recommendation: Essentialism

Daily health tip: Eat more protein. If you want to lose weight, protein is your friend. It is satiating as well as the most metabolically expensive to digest food there is. Eat more protein, eat low carb, zero sugar, and fill in the rest with quality fatty acids from animal sources and you’ll reach you every health goal.

Daily Cooking Tip: Buy an air fryer. I’ve only just begun to experience the benefits of this thing. Put it in, turn it on, go. Simple, easy to clean, amazing.

Daily thoughts about money: Think long term. Save as much money as you can and put it into companies you believe in that will be here for years. Here are some stocks I own. This is not investment advice it is just my opinion on financial opportunities today.

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/ColinStuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.

Your Life Will Be A Series of Choices... So Choose Wisely

I just read this piece on medium.

Here is an interesting idea I’ve summarized from that article:

The closer a decision is, the less it matters which you choose. The thing is, we tend to agonize over these decisions because they feel more important when the reality is, they aren't because the differences are minor.

This concept is fascinating to dig into and think about, but that’s not what I want to highlight today.

I’m more interested in the act of decision making and decision fatigue.

Decision fatigue theory is this:

The more decisions you have to make each day, the less energy you have leftover. So as you make more decisions through your day, the less energy you will have for making decisions later. Your decisions then become worse as the day goes on.

I can't help but think of my daily routine.

One of the benefits of being isolated during this time is the limiting of options.

This has allowed me to focus on my work as well as the routine around my work. I've never been more productive in my life.

It's not the output that has me excited, but the building of the routines around this output that I will stick with once this all clears up.

That's the game-changer.

Before, when I had limitless options of how to spend my time, there was more mental energy sapped from the many decisions I made on a daily basis.

This is a paramount concept; the removal of choice.

The removal of choice is a world killer. It’s the Death Star. It’s the ultimate weapon for figuring out everything.

Figure out who you are. Go inward. Make decisions about how you want to live. Plan. Visualize. And otherwise, focus your energy on the few important things.

All struggles uncover opportunities. Iron sharpens iron.

So I'm taking this time to build the best routines I can so that when choice comes back, I'll be better prepared at mastering it.

Figuring out ways to reduce choices in your life gives you room to make better decisions and align your focus on the things that matter.

Options require choice and choice requires energy. This is how infinite options sap our resources without us having any say in the matter.

I think this is why minimalism has become such a thing lately; as a response to the infinite choices we have. As a means to simplify, to remove the clutter.

And that's great.

Most people aren't good at directing their attention and behavior. They get swept up in the whirlwind of distraction and optionality our world provides.

We need to live lives of purpose on purpose, and that starts and ends with controlling our options.

Limit your options... then watch as the things you really care about taking center stage. Your life will be better because of it.


Why You Must Live Life on Purpose - Most People Live On Accident

The Escaping Fragility Podcast (Previously the ShutUp show)

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

The Daily 6

Daily tip or recommendation: Follow-up. There is a no better tip I can give for those trying to make things happen then a repeatable, trackable followup process. Use boomerang for Gmail, asana or other GTD productivity software with built-in recurring reminders.

If you want to get things done, and if getting those things done requires the cooperation of other people, you must followup. You must, in many cases, do people’s jobs for them. Accept it as par for the course and build the follow-up habit into who you are.

Daily book recommendation: The Hobbit - This is one of the first books I read. I’ve already read the entire LOTR series. Love it.

Daily health tip: Take more walks. If you can take a walk outside with your shirt off or in a tank top to get sun exposure, you are getting exercise and vitamin D. Sometimes as simple as walking outside each day could drastically improve the health of millions of people. We need it more than ever.

Daily Cooking Tip: Buy a 8 inch cast iron pan and a 10 inch. These are my go-to pans I use every single day. To clean them, right after cooking, take the hot pan and pour in water. Let it sizzle for a bit then use a fish turner or scraper to scrape out the

Daily thoughts about money: Don’t lend money to friends or family. It’s a surefire way to ruin relationships. The bad feelings you get from this can last for years. You feel like you are helping someone out, but after they get the money and it comes around to getting paid back, their attitude completely changes. It will happen to you. Do not do it. Those you lend to will resent you even though you did the thing for them out of the goodness of your heart in the first place. DO NOT DO IT.

How To Live Life On Purpose

When you do anything, do it on purpose.

Do it because you thought about it. Do it because you think it’s the right thing to do.

Do it on purpose.

Don’t do things on accident.

Doing things “on accident” is doing without consideration, without forethought.

When you do things on accident, you get shitty results.
When you do things on accident, someone else is running your life.
When you do things on accident, you waste time and your potential.

Figuring out how to do things on purpose is the most important thing you can figure out for life.

What about when you don’t want to do something but you have to?

That’s easy.

You figure out if it’s part of the bigger parts of your life that are on purpose. If it’s apart of living a life on purpose, like a job that pays the bills, then you should want to do this thing. So do it on purpose. Choose to do it fully and completely.

Simply put, all decisions in life come down to this simple choice:

  1. Can I connect this thing to my larger on purpose life?

  2. If not, I have only one choice: don’t do it… I can’t do it.

A life on purpose has no in-between. There is no compromise (what a stupid word, btw).

There is only connecting the dots so you can realize whether it’s part of your plan or not.

If it’s not, then you have your answer.

A life on purpose makes things simple: I decide this is good for me, so I do it on purpose. Now it’s my idea. I’ve committed. No half-assed nonsense. Just do it and get it done.

A life on purpose makes things simple: I can’t reconcile this thing with my life on purpose and so I have only one choice: saying no.

You are the master of our destiny. It’s up to you to device one way or the other. So do it.

Stop dipping your toe half in. Jump in fully or don’t go in at all.

A life on purpose is all or nothing.

You must decide. The way to build a life on purpose is to DECIDE.

Think about your effort when you do things you don’t really want to do. What a waste.

Don’t half-ass anything. Don’t say yes when it’s actually a no.

Don’t say maybe… ever.

Do or do not. That is the only choice. Everything in between is toxic energy.

When you do things on purpose, your life will be more fulfilling because it is centered around your choice.

I’m sure you already understand how much deciding for yourself matters. It matters for all humans. Having autonomy over our lives is a fundamental human drive.

We must decide for ourselves.

If you have responsibilities with your job and family, you do what must be done because of the bigger picture. Thus the things you don’t really want to do become your choice, and so you do them on purpose. Then you realize you actually do want to do these things.

This really is black or white.

If you build a life of principles, on purpose, you will become a completely different person, a better one.

When things come up that you cannot do because they go against your principles, you say NO. It’s easy. It’s who you are. You can’t. Simple as that.

What’s great about living on purpose is the more you make decisions on purpose the better you get at it. So when the inevitable situations come up where you need to draw a line in the sand, it’ll feel easy because it will feel right—it will be on purpose.

What will surprise you about doing things on purpose is how often you’ll end up getting a better outcome than you would have thought.

People respect those with principles, even if it inconveniences them. The key is to not blame or shame, just plainly state that you can’t or won’t. Explain why if you have to, calmly, but iterate you are decided.

Stick to your principles on purpose.

You can live a life of purpose by doing things on purpose.

If you do things on accident, your life will be like a leaf blowing in the wind—no idea where you‘re going and fuzzy memory of where you‘ve been.


Money See, Monkey Do: Why Humans Follow Other Humans

The Escaping Fragility Podcast (Previously the ShutUp show)

A bite-size show covering Mindset, Productivity, and Big Ideas rooted in evergreen first Principles that will stand the test of time.

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

The Daily 6

Daily quote:

“The one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone is likely to find themselves in places no one has ever been before.”

-Albert Einstein

Daily tip or recommendation:

Create a daily thinking routine. I do mine in the morning as I’m reading articles and browsing my goals list. When a thought strikes, I write it down.

There is too little thought in our culture. It’s a constant connection and an addiction to the thoughts of others. Be your own person. Think for yourself

Daily book recommendation:

Red Rising by Pierce Brown.

We named our son after the main character. That’s all I’m gonna say.

Daily health tip:

Take quality fish oil. Omega-3s are some of the most studied supplements available. There are now even patents and pharmaceutical approved fish oil. You can get a quality whole body fish oil from places like Wild Foods, which is what I use daily.

Use code Wildceo for 12% off. Daily Cooking Tip:

Learn the basics of using a skillet. Preheat the pan, let it get hot, add some ghee or avocado oil, my fav high heat cooking oils, then add the dried ingredient and leave it alone until it develops a crust. Flip, Repeat. If it's a thicker ingredient, finish in the oven. Season before, during, and towards the end of cooking, that’s how you build flavor.

Daily thoughts about money

Buy assets that produce income. There is no better feeling than getting a dividend check or rent check you get to deposit into your bank account. Airbnb the extra room in your house, buy a rental property with 10% down. Buy dividend stocks and reinvest the dividends.

This is how you grow wealth and how you get to a place where your money takes care of you rather than you having to take care of your money.

Better Goals: Why Monkey See, Monkey Do Is Ruining Your Life

Humans mirror other humans.

This helps us fit in, be liked, and in the evolutionary context, survive and procreate.

We all follow other humans so we can belong to the group. Maintaining our image in the group is our innate human prerogative.

Things are different today.

Since you have infinite choices in who you follow and the groups you can belong to, you run the risk of mimicking the wrong people. This can lead you down the wrong path.

When you follow someone else’s plan, you will one day wake up and not like who you’ve become. The problem is, when you finally realize this, it may be too late.

Don’t make that mistake.

Figure out who you want to be.

Established your values. Visualize your future. Figure out what matters to you.

Do you value your autonomy?

Do you care about setting your own schedule or do you like the simplicity of having someone else do it for you?

Do you want a simple life or a complex life?

How important is your health? Your relationships? Family?

Asking yourself these questions and trying to answer them truthfully is paramount to learning who you are and what you want out of life.

By looking inward, you can figure out the groups you should join and the people you should follow.

What we need as a society is introspection.

We need more people figuring out who they are and building a life based on that.

Instead what we have is most people following others with no rhyme or reason.

The majority of people get jobs, go to school, and otherwise commit grueling hours of work to pursue goals others have set for them.

This is depressing.

It’s also a huge economic waste.

The majority of people default to following those around them.

They adopt ideas and beliefs from the publications they read, the programs they watch, the influencers they follow, and the groups they join.

Sometimes this is for the better, sometimes it’s for the worse.

Don’t fall into the trap of Monkey see, Monkey do until you’ve made sure you are paying attention to the right monkey.

Mimicking the wrong monkey could lead you down a life path you don’t want. And since you never get back lost time, that would be a real loss.


Don't Set Goals Without Process Or You Will Fail For Sure

The Escaping Fragility Podcast (Previously the ShutUp show)

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

The Daily 6

Daily quote: A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at. -BRUCE LEE

Daily tip or recommendation: Learn about the GTD method and use it. I use Asana. Stick with one productivity tool and learn it, master it.

Daily book recommendation: Delivering Happiness about Zappos

Daily health tip: Have a moring health routine. Mine includes sun exposure and walking barefoot then taking some magnesium and maybe some iodine.

Daily Cooking Tip: Get to know your farmer. Shop local. Go to the farmers market. You want your food to taste better and you want to feel better eating it? Do this.

Daily thoughts about money: Don’t get credit cards or cut them up and keep the account open. Do not go into debt.

Here is how you should think about cc debt. I’m paying you X dollars a year to OWE you money. WTFF

  • $5000 debt

  • $750 a year $62 dollars a month you are spending to have the privilege of OWING someone. 

“Someday” is Poison: Don’t Make This Goal-Setting Mistake

How you set your goals determines everything.

A goal is a thing you try to achieve. 

We set goals because we want to achieve goals. 

Right. No surprise here.

This may seem like standard fare, but actually most people set goals to make themselves feel better and don’t have a plan for achieving them… like at all.

Let’s say you want to build a house.

So you say, I want to build a house. Or you say, My goal is to build a house.

These statements are wildly different.

The first statement, I want to build a house, is much closer to the process. It implies you could start today.

When you say, my goal is to build a house, you are saying, “someday I’ll build a house.” When you say this, you disconnect your brain from any timeline of actually building a house. 

This now pushes your goal further away yet you believe you are closer.

That is the goal trap.

It’s very easy to set goals far off in the future because we don’t have to do the hard work of mapping out a process.

We feel good imagining ourselves having accomplished our goal.

It doesn’t feel good to think about putting in hours of work for months or years to reach a goal.

Few think about the journey. Most think about the destination.

Let’s take a moment to think about how absurd this really is.

It’s like registering for an ultra-marathon then waking up tomorrow and changing nothing about your routine. No training plan, no nutrition strategy, nothing.

That is a sure-fire way to get injured. It’s not smart.

And this is how most people set goals.

Here’s an interesting experiment you could try:

Ask someone: “What are your goals?”

Let them answer.

Then ask, “What have you done today to achieve them?”

You’ll get a blank stare most of the time.

Here’s another telling observation of human nature and how we delude ourselves.

Go to a place like Los Angeles where 1 out of 3 is trying to break into show biz.

Ask them what their goals are.

Let them answer.

Then ask them, “How much have you practiced X today?” (X being singing, speaking, or acting.)

Blank stare. Then probably followed by some half-assed explanation of why they haven’t put in the work or how they will start tomorrow.

The process is what matters.

I’m building a house.

A statement like that implies you are already in the process.

My goal is to build a house.

A statement like this is a figment of your imagination. It is weak. It is excuse ridden. It is completely removed from the process and the very act of saying it makes you feel like you’ve done something when you haven’t.

“Someday” is poison.

Someday, for 99.999999999999% of people, is never.

Don’t set a goal if you don’t set a process for it.

Anything else is a pipe dream. A fairy tale. Postering. Delusion.


Extreme Ownership: The Only Way Things Get Done

The Escaping Fragility Podcast (Previously the ShutUp show)

A bite-size show covering Mindset, Productivity, and Big Ideas rooted in evergreen first Principles that will stand the test of time.

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

Daily quote: “Extreme Ownership. Leaders must own everything in their world. There is no one else to blame." -Jocko Willink

Daily tip or recommendation: Routine, Routine, Routine - This is the key to success in anything. Don’t even

Daily tip or recommendation: Routine, Routine, Routine - This is the key to success in anything. Don’t even think about a RESULT you want if you haven’t identified exactly what you are going to do on a daily basis to get it. Most people think about this in reverse. They want money, riches, fame, fancy things, but they can’t sit still long enough to do anything to actually get there.

Daily book recommendation: The Magic of Thinking Big - This is one of Tim Ferriss’s most recommended books. It is great. And it’s something we should all eat yearly to make sure we are thinking bigger.

Daily health tip: Eat Real Food. The key to everything you want for health is found in what you eat. Are you eating out of a bag or cooking raw ingredients? Are you relying on cheap, convenient restaurant food? Or are you shopping at your local farmers’ market?

These are the only questions that matter for what your body looks like and the primary question you must figure out for long term health.

Daily Cooking Tip: Preseason steak. Take your streak, pat it dry, rub it down in salt and maybe a dash of ghee or avocado oil, then let it sit uncovered on a rack for 1-2 days. When you cook it, it’ll be delicious. (Make sure you use a lot of salt)

Daily thoughts about money: Use something like simple as a budgeting tool. It’s a free debit card with no fees, so you can put in the amount of money you have each month then use that exclusively. the card will decline when you run out of money. Ideally, you would check in to see where you are spending so you catch this ahead of time, but it’s a useful tool if you are a chronic spender.

Extreme Ownership: The Only Way Things Get Done

I've been telling my employees for years.

You regularly have to do people's jobs for them.

I've learned this through experience. 

If you've never relied on the cooperation of other people to get something done, you can't understand how brutal it can be. 

People go at their own pace. They have their own agenda and priorities. 

They sometimes miss things. Most people suck at email. 

Generally, people are notorious procrastinators. And few have any productivity system beyond what they remember.

When a project requires more than one person to complete, one link can bring the process to a standstill.

I also tell my employees:

When you send an email, you have to assume no one will read it.

You might think I'm being pessimistic. I wish that were so. This is just the reality of the world we live in. The sooner you accept that, the better.

I'm an epistemic person. That's why I'm still surprised when the things I know happen over and over.

I shouldn't be surprised all.

What all this means is this: A First Principle for making things happen is complete ownership.

There's a book about this topic I recommend called "Extreme Ownership."

I don't think there's anything extreme about it. Everything you want in life is our responsibility. 

That's not extreme when you think about it—and when you have any life experience whatsoever.

So it's on you to make sure your emails get a reply. To make sure you call people, not expect them to call you back. 

It's your responsibility to pester, poke, prod, and question until you get what you need.

There is no more empowering concept in life.

When you take ownership of everything, you drop blame. You execute expectations.

This is easy because you know there is no other way.

You realize people don't owe you (even if they do, they don't).

(This is why I'll never lend money to a friend again because it becomes a full-time job getting paid back.)

You owe yourself, and that's it.

If you want anything done, you have to do it.

Even though I know this first hand, I still get frustrated waiting on others. I like making things happen, so I should expect that most people won't operate on my schedule.

Every ounce of energy I invest in complaining is a waste.

Nothing but waste.

With your next project, business, or effort, assume the following:

  1. Every step of the way it is my responsibility to help others get the job done

  2. I will have to followup, followup, followup.

  3. I accept this is the reality of life—If I want something done, I am responsible for making it happen. No one else.

This concept applies to marriages, friendships, partnerships. Expectations are often the root of relationship conflict.

If we all took ownership of the things we want and need, the world would be a much better place.

Take ownership of everything you are trying to do.

Anything less is a fairy tale.


How Keeping Your Phone Off Will Skyrocket Your Morning Routine

The Escaping Fragility Podcast (Previously the ShutUp show)

A bite-size show covering Mindset, Productivity, and Big Ideas rooted in evergreen first Principles that will stand the test of time.

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

Daily quote: You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. -Marcus Aurelius

Daily tip or recommendation: Each day focus on your ONE BIG THING that you need to do. This is life-changing when you actually adopt it.

Daily book recommendation: Sapiens

Daily health tip: Chew more and eat slower. This will improve digestion, signal your brain you are full.

Daily Cooking Tip: Use more salt than you think. 99% of amateur cooks use too little salt. Salt draws out flavor.

Daily thoughts about money: Buy assets then use assets and the income they produce to buy the crap you want.

Keeping Your Phone Off Each Morning Will Change Your Life

Waking up, crawling out of bed, reaching for your phone.

Do you turn it on? Keep it in airplane mode? Keep it off completely.

These are not easy decisions, especially as you are wiping sleep from your eyes.

As I write this, I realize I need to simplify this to this simple system: Off.


Use something else to check the weather.

Checking the weather during the winter is a trap I fell into more times than I’d like to count. The dilemma is this: do I check the weather or take the risk of wearing shorts on a wrong day and let potential text messages slip through?

I’ve realized that the longer my phone stays off in the mornings, the more productive I am and the better I feel the rest of the day.

No joke.

This may not be the case for everyone. Maybe you enjoy waking up to messages from lovers, friends, and family.

What I have found is most things that come at me via text are extracting, and often, stressful.

If you are in various group chats, you know that opening your phone to 20 missed back and forth messages take a mental toll.

You now have a decision to make: read and engage or ignore?

And you have now spent precious mental energy.

Decision research points to us having limited decision making energy each day. So use it wisely.