Why You Should Take A 7-Day Media Detox

Why would you want to take a media detox?

Because your mind needs a break to function properly. Because you are probably addicted to your device and to media in general

Why: we all need it. The internet and media are warping our minds.

How to do it: Don’t consume any media for 7 days. Nothing.

How to do it 1a: If you are posting, post. Then don’t read any comments, notifications or feeds for 7 days. Don’t scroll feeds or read headlines. 

The media is not reality.

When we consume it daily, it becomes our reality. WE thin the world is a more dangerous, brutal, broken, and racist world than it is.

I’ve fallen into this trap myself lately, which is why I’m going on a week detox. What am I going to do with the extra time?

I’ going to catch up on my reading list (books) and listen to some podcasts not covering current events. (I just finished Atlas Shrugged. OMG how prophetic.)

I’m going to spend more time thinking, walking, meditating. I’m going to spend time with friends, though I have to be careful with the possibility of conversations slipping into current events as they are wont to do.

I’ll be posting a daily update to track the 7-day detox. Ideally, you won’t see it because you’ll have left your feeds like me ;) 

I won’t see comments during this time, so I’ll respond when I get back.

Join me.

Struggle Sessions In America Today

Struggle sessions were a propaganda tool used by the Communist Party of China to shape public opinion while humiliating and silencing political rivals.

In 1958, Mao Zedong launched the Great Leap Forward, intending to move China's economy from agrarian centered to industrial. 

The result of Mao's reign was an estimated 18-45 million deaths.

This is an example of Marxism, an ideology that many professors and brainwashed 20-somethings publicly support to this day.

Want to see other examples of the travesty that this political/economic theory has wrought on humanity?

  • Russia: The Bolshevik revolution resulted in 100 million dead.

  • Cuba: the masses live in poverty to this day.

  • Italy: Mussolini was a socialist before becoming a fascist

  • Many more countries around the world have struggled with bouts of socialism, communism, and fascism, all with countless lives lost and generations of citizens suffering at the hands of a select few men.

History is repeated by those that do not know it.

In the US today, we are already undergoing a fight between the left vs. the right.

Mao used "struggle sessions" to publicly humiliate anyone that questioned the state.

SJWs are doing this today with their cancel culture nonsense. Private individuals as well as public, institutions (STEM), and corporations are bowing down to the online mob and firing employees, changing brand and product names, banning movies, burning books, rewriting history, and canceling large swaths of our culture without a fight.

These spineless individuals issue PR-crafted apologies or are fired outright by even more spineless individuals at the board level.

These online mobs are seeking power, not justice. They don’t care about equality. They don’t want reform: they want power. That’s all. And the masses are letting them gobble it up.


If you look at any major conflict or revolution in history, you can see the building up to conflict from an increasing polarization between opposing sides—this side vs that, this idea vs that, this political theory vs that, this economic theory vs that.

The Internet has sped up this polarization to a speed humanity has never seen.

Kids are growing up with a propaganda machine in their pocket, one designed to polarize them. The algorithms are designed to monopolize user attention so the tech giants can sell this attention to advertisers. The machines lead individuals down dark one-sided ways of thought by serving them information that supports their beliefs while at the same time suppressing information that challenges their beliefs and/or offers a competing worldview. 

Today we need a competing worldview… more than ever.

As if that wasn't enough, we see the same thing happening in the political realm in which you have adult babies—who are somehow in control of important things—going at each other on Twitter all day as if they have nothing else to do. This has further increased the polarization of our political system to the point that politicians can't work together because to do so would be admitting to some kind of weakness. 

This is not what the party system was supposed to do: it is supposed to create a balance of opposing ideas by challenging the ideas on each side with the goal of bringing something productive to the middle since that is where progress is found. What Aristotle called "the golden mean."

Instead, we have this side vs. that and a line in the middle you aren't allowed to cross. Given enough time, this will lead us to some kind of civil war. And it will be the crumbling of the way of life as we know it. 

If the "silent majority" don't speak up and fight back—like they haven't been—we are doomed.


There is an American hubris built into the American mind that thinks a civil war or a revolution could never happen here. But it has. It can. And it will.

The government, by default, can not not be corrupt. Humans, given power, will continue to seek power. We are beyond the point of “checks and balances.”

Corporations have become so intertwined into the political sphere that they basically control everything. Even still, more regulation is never the answer since, as we have seen, the government cannot do anything the way it needs to be done. It is literally impossible for the government to do things the way they should be done.

We need less government, not more. Yet more is what we get each year as some absurd number like 75,000 new regulations and laws are “passed.”

And the public keeps asking for it!

Each new "war on X" is an opportunity for the rich to get richer and the powerful to get more powerful.

What's crazy about this is none of this is a conspiracy theory... it is all out in the open.

The fed prints 2.5 trillion dollars in the name of "saving our economy," but what actually happens is the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.

(You do realize that each dollar printed makes your dollars that less valuable? This is a tax, though they don’t call it that.)

Yet no one is anyone talking about it because everyone is so afraid of some apparently deadly virus. Thank the media and the elite puppeteers for that.

If we keep letting the media and corporate-purchased politicians tell us what to think and how to live, we will continue down this path until we have no rights or freedoms left whatsoever.

I've never been political.

I don't like thinking about any of this and I like talking and writing about it even less. I prefer building things and helping people and focusing on a positive future.

I just can’t do only that anymore. The absurdities fo the past six months have forcibly removed my beloved rose-tinted glasses. And I’ve been forced, begrudgingly, into the fray.

I'm pro-human: I believe we can build an equitable and fair world, and that the US is our best chance at doing such.

The Free Market will create a better world. We will eventually solve our climate issues and learn how to interact with Mother Nature in a symbiotic way rather than a destructive way. We will learn how to make everything as fair as it can be. We can build a better future for the next generation.

None of this will be done by government. The free market will do it, and entrepreneurs will be at the front.

Eventually, we will colonize the solar system and reach the point where there is no such thing as "sustainable" or "scarce" because we will have the Universe and its limitless resources at our disposal.

I still believe this.

The difference is this: I'm no longer net optimistic about the future for this country. Too much has boiled to the top to the point that I don’t believe we can come out of this without conflict, major conflict.

Maybe it will be a political revolution and won't come to bloodshed. I hope so. For my sons and the millions of great people living in this country, I so dearly hope so.


Finally, I used to think the Internet was man's greatest invention. I guess I still do in a way.

The problem is the current iteration of the internet. That is the real danger.

The current internet is monopolized by a few unregulated tech monopolies. These tech giants control what we see, think, and feel, and are barreling us down the path of self-destruction.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think these companies or the humans that run them are doing any of this on purpose. Just like I don’t think most people wake up each day and try to enslave mankind.

Instead what we have are a what I call “accidental conspiracies” in which certain factors come into play that create really really really bad situations when human dogma and greed is added to the mix.

One example is Bill Gates.

I don’t know enough about him, but this is what I think: I believe he lives much of his life in books, inside his head, and thus he is a product of the scientific research we have UP TO THIS POINT.

If you know anything about science or research, you know that it is supposed to be wrong MOST of the time. People think the opposite, which is why we get so much fanaticism around certain ideas.

Science is in the business of trying to disprove itself. Humans are in the business of trying to prove themselves. We don’t like changing our minds. Here’s a telling example fro the scientific field, a field in which you’d think scientist are trained to constantly level up their thinking:

A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. . . . An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out, and that the growing generation is familiarized with the ideas from the beginning: another instance of the fact that the future lies with the youth.
— Max Planck, Scientific autobiography, 1950, p. 33, 

Planck's principle is the view that scientific change does not occur because individual scientists change their minds, but rather that successive generations of scientists have different views.

Informally, this is often paraphrased as "Science progresses one funeral at a time".

What this means is our current understanding of anything today is not likely to be the same current understanding we will use in 5 years or 10 years, and most definitely won’t be what we think in 100 years.

This is something everyone must keep in mind about research. I see too much citing of research or lack of research, both of which are dangerous because they are just snapshots in time and do not represent actual truth. And if you look at the history of science, scientists are wrong most of the time.

Today, there is a lot of really bad research. I bet there is more bad research than good. That is ok because good research has to have some bad research to compare itself to. And good research needs to evolve on top of bad research, so it comes with the territory.

The problem with bad research manifests when individuals use it to write books and form worldviews. That is how you get dangerous dogma. (The Nazis cited research in their propaganda campaign against the Jews. It was very bad research, but it was research nonetheless.)

So what we get is a bunch of scientists believing whatever the rest believe, a kind of professional groupthink, and those biases seep into future research and entire Academic departments and branches of science.

Just look at the current state of nutrition research that recommends a way of eating that kills millions a year while ignoring large swaths of basic human biology and common sense.

Back to Bill.

As one example, I believe Bil is pro-vaccine as a general rule because he’s focused on learning about vaccines in certain areas of Africa in which other factors come into play like sanitation and the problem of extreme poverty. His worldview has become shaped by this deep research, which is why he now walks around with the belief that vaccines are the answer to everything (they aren’t).

Most people are the hero in their story.

Most people wake up each day thinking they are doing good. I would bet very few humans alive wake up convinced that their mission in life is a net negative for the world. It’s just not how humans are built.

We are built to do what we think is right even if that means sacrificing millions to do so, which is what you get when you bring a small group of globalist billionaires that believe their money and power has made it their responsibility to save mankind from itself regardless of the cost.

The obvious problem with this is, if a person or small powerful group is off even a little bit in their assumptions about what is “best,” millions or billions might end up suffering as a result.


If we can't solve the broken information flow and democratize information in a way that REDUCES polarization, we are doomed.

If we don't stop the tech giants censorship and the crazy SJWs crusade to rewrite history, we are doomed.

If we don’t start thinking for ourselves, we are doomed.

If we don’t study history, we are going to repeat it. (We already are, unfortunately.)

Make no mistake about it: there will be a revolution. 

We just don't know what kind of revolution it will be and who will win.

I don't like fear mongering or sensationalizing the future like this. I wish I was doing that. I truly believe we are in trouble. 

I'm still hoping the silent majority will wake up in time to protect our constitution and the American way of life before the crazy brainwashed radicals destroy it any further.

Fingers crossed.

When You Aren't Challenged, You Become Weak - The Dangers of Comfort

When ideas aren’t challenged, they become weak and dogmatic.

When individuals aren’t challenged, they become weak and ineffective.

The Internet has sped up human life. Things that used to take ten years will happen in one year. If a revolution or civil war (or any war) is in our future, it will happen in a fraction of the time.

Bad ideas are being pushed to their extremes faster than ever before. As a result, we are getting a greater divide between the strong-willed and rational vs. the weak, idealistic, and fragile minded.

The problem is, the strong-willed are going into hiding. They are being shamed into silence, or they have decided it’s not worth the effort.

This is extremely dangerous. 

Bad ideas like communism and socialism lead to destruction. They must be kept in check. 

The US governmental system is founded on checks and balances. It works. While it’s not perfect, it has resulted in a standard of living and safety that no other country in history has been able to pull off.

If we don’t have checks on bad ideas, we will not evolve as a society and a species. What we will get instead is a greater divide between one side vs another, and that is always the precursor to war or revolution. 

Perhaps we will split into the East and West territories in this country as it was portrayed in The Man In The High Castle. Maybe there will be a lawless free zone that will resemble the Wild West. Maybe one side will become totalitarian, and another will become free and open (or even more totalitarian). Who knows. I sure don’t like the prospects of having to figure it out.

What’s especially scary about this is the younger generation is growing up with a supercomputer/propaganda machine in their pocket. And it has become the sole source for developing these young minds.

The younger generation isn’t reading books anymore. They aren’t trying to understand history. They aren’t being challenged. 

Instead, they are sitting behind a screen and becoming more brainwashed and stuck in dogma.

This is causing our society to become polarized into this camp vs. that camp. This is creating ideology. It is creating radicals. 

It will lead to more violence, not less. It will lead to MORE racism, not less. 

It will lead to a breaking down of the very safe and very fair society we live in (I said “very,” not “perfect”).

If we want things to improve, we need to meet in the middle rather than push each other to the extremes.

I still have hope, though I’m less optimistic than I used to be, and I’m making plans as a result.

You Are Being Lied To: Censorship Is A Staple Governmental Control and is More Alive Than Ever

We have a unique form of censorship unfolding today thanks to the technology in your pocket.

There are a handful of techniques used by the media and Big Tech to suppress contrary-to-the-narrative information.

Here are a few:

*Outright banning or removal of content - YouTube is a pro at this. Google suppresses and manipulates search, IG hiding content, twitter does it all, and is a rotten disservice to humanity.

*Shadowbanning - content isn't shown to followers (or reach is severely limited), and no notification given to the content creator.

*Discrediting - using words like "conspiracy theories" - the media loves this one. So they write short articles labeling individuals or ideas as "conspiracies theorists" without any objective data, or any data whatsoever usually, and then Google picks these up so that the first 3-5 pages of search results become these one-sided smear campaigns.

*Fake news - this is another form of discrediting in a convenient little buzzword that is rarely, if ever, supported by any data.

*Calling people names and threatening their livelihoods - SJWs and the Twitter mob of loser trolls love this one: call someone a racist then put pressure on the individual's employer to fire them for being "racist" or "sexist" or whatever "ist" they come manifest out of thin air. And as it goes with all of these tactics, this is rarely backed up by any objective proof or reason. 

One guy was fired for sharing a research paper written by a black man about how protests and riots end up reducing voter turnout in black Americans. The researcher that shared the work was shamed, called a racist, and fired by his company. Yes, this is the absurd world we are coming to.

*Banning movies: Gone With The Wind was recently banned and is currently unavailable on many online platforms. Sadly enough, this movie featured the first black woman to win an Oscar. Complete lunacy.

Censorship is not a new thing. Socrates was forced to drink poison in 399 BC for the crime of "corrupting the youth"—he asked too many questions.

China censors information all day every day. Google built a "censored" version of Google just for them even though they said they wouldn't for years. Hypocrisy. Fortunately, it was shut down as a result of internal protests. 

Twitter deletes information all the time while being a cease pool of bad ideas, intolerance, and SJW trolling. (I hope Twitter dies... it will make American life 100x better.)

Facebook censors, but it seems like they are taking a stand to not fact-check as a general rule. That's good. The market should decide not Big Tech, and definitely not the woke 20 somethings that end up doing a lot of the censoring and "fact-checking."

Google has been manipulating search results for a long time now. I used to be a fan of Google. Not anymore: they've gotten too big and too absurd for their own good. DuckDuckGo is a private search engine. And Protonmail is a free private email.

This may seem outside of your control, but you have more power than you know.

When you use these platforms, you can control your behavior. Here are a couple of tips:

  • Dislike every piece of content put out by mass media. Leave comments calling out the hypocrisy. Better yet, don't click or view the content at all.

  • Use private tech: Brave browser, DuckDuckGo, protonmail

  • Use private browsers as often as possible.

  • Consider using a VPN

  • Support independent sources of information and share their message.

  • Fight back ANY narrative promulgated by the media -Because the media doesn't care about the truth. They are controlled and promote their agenda.

  • Learn about crypto, own some.

  • Buy some gold.

  • Support small local businesses.

  • Transact in person outside of the banking system anytime you can.

There is a more insidious form of censorship going on right now that is more dangerous than all of the above combined.

It is the shaming and attacking of individuals that challenge the narratives. When you could get fired for sharing a link to a research paper, more and more people will start opting out of the discussion altogether.

This is especially dangerous because it will lead to a more fragile and fractured society with one side vs. the other. The bad ideas, the dogma, and the hypocrisy will go unchecked. And we already know that most politicians and celebrities cower to the online mobs, what kind of world and policies will birth from this absurdity?

It will become Orwell's 1984 and only a matter of time before thoughtcrimes become a thing.

That's not the society I will live in. I will leave as well as many others. And that's why I'm fighting back because millions of good people will suffer from this nonsense. 

Franklin Borrows a Book: How Consistency Bias Can Be Good But Is Usually The Stalwart of Evil

In his autobiography, Franklin writes about facing opposition to being reelected Clerk of General Assembly. He learned that one of his most vocal opponents had an impressive 

So Franklin wrote his opponent a note asking to borrow a specific rare and valuable book from his library. The book was sent immediately. Franklin returned it a week later with a gracious note of thanks.

At the next House assembly, this once opponent approached Franklin and offered to help him anytime in the future (apparently he had never spoken to Franklin before).

This technique is so powerful for a couple of reasons. The one most applicable to today is the idea of consistency bias: the cognitive bias that keeps us following our past behaviors.

By offering his book to Franklin, this opponent became an ally and would unlikely oppose Franklin in the future. And that's exactly what happened: they became lifelong friends.

This concept is a powerful tool for persuasion and a dangerous trap for dogma.

If we look at our political landscape, where everything is documented and filed away for later recall, you see a system in which politicians can't change their minds because they will be called "a liar" or "hypocrite" or seen as wishy-washy.

How do you get change when our "leaders" are unable to change their minds?

You don't.

You get polarization.

I've written lately about the dangers of polarization. Moving humans to one of two extremes is how you get war and destruction. 

The political landscape is already at war. It's this side vs. that, with politicians saying and doing things to meet their politicians ends first while considering citizens last, if at all.

This is nothing new. It's been going on for a long time. But recently, it's reached a point where the elites have realized just how fast and easy it is to manipulate an entire population. 

You have the Internet to thank for that. The speed at which information, good and bad, can reach the individual's mind is instant. 

Bots leave comments for or against a specific cause or keyword. (Coca Cola uses fake accounts that leave fake comments on social media posts critiquing their sugar water.)

Other governments buy ads spreading misinformation and otherwise sowing discontent.

Our media, a dying remnant of the past, perpetuates politically bias one-sided stories rooted in fear, propaganda, and division.

Never before in history has such power wielded by the elite, which is why I believe the phone in your pocket is the greatest threat to our species we've ever seen. The Nazi propaganda machine could only have dreamed of what we have today. 

Vu mean ve can deliffer bropagandah in veal-time? Noooo vay, zee vorld is ours!

Look at history and you see that tyrants and revolutions are the standard, not the exception. And in each epoch of human history, the citizens, subjects, peasants, etc., all did their best to stick their head done while hoping things would change for the better... because that is all they could do!

Things usually did change for the better, just not in their lifetime and not without countless loss of life and liberty along the way.

The one difference between then and now is we can access alternative data points to determine if what we are being told is maybe true or complete malarkey. (And unfortunately, most of it is a half-truth AT BEST.)

If we keep fighting each other, if we keep trusting "experts," if we keep talking about problems rather than solutions, we are doomed.

We have to make it stop, each of us, by standing up to dogma, bad ideas, and the easily manipulated and fragile human mind.

Don't let the tech monopolies warp your worldview. Seek out independent sources of information on both sides. Protect your privacy with private email and Brave browser. Use DuckDuckGo instead of Google.

Own some bitcoin and gold. Make sure you have a passport. Visit a few countries you wouldn't mind "escaping" to. Stop watching mainstream anything: news, Netflix shows, etc.—this is blatant manipulation at worst and subtle persuasive distraction at best.

And most important of all: don't be scared. Don't let the propaganda machine convince you this world is nothing but a dangerous place of racism, stealth viruses, and bad people out to get you.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

DESTROY YOUR DOGMA: Why Your Belief System Must Be Challenged To Evolve

The world today has become an act. 

It's a fake. It's about pandering to the comments, to what people may or may not say.

It's about responding to the algorithm, and no matter what side your own, they are all playing to this manipulation because that's what gets views and clicks.

  • Negative is a sickness. An addiction.

  • Blame is a sickness and addiction

  • Victim mentality is sickness and addiction.

What we need for positive change is tolerance, self-awareness, and the removal of emotion and projection and bias.

To rise out of dogma, you must focus on being inclusive rather than exclusive. Only then will you be apart of the solution.


  • Focus on first principles.

  • Ask yourself hard questions.

  • Stop hurling accusations and judgments about other people.

Individuals do things, not groups, not people, not races, single individuals. A group is a collection of individuals.

This is why change happens only at the individual level.

When enough self-aware humans start taking responsibility for their lives, the world can begin to move forward.

This is the salve our world needs, our humanity needs, to rise up out of our tribalism and dogma and violence and dehumanizing of our fellow humans through the lens of their different race, creed, sex, religion or color.

The Story of Handwashing: Human Bias and How Your Mind Makes You a Slave

Up until the mid to early 1900s, handwashing in medical care was nonexistent. 

The man who issued the warning was ignored, shamed, and eventually went insane. Here is the summarized story:

Ignaz Semmelweis, a Hungarian doctor working in Vienna, noticed a disparity in deaths between two maternity wards in his hospital. So he collected data from each ward, one staffed by male doctors and medical students and the other by midwives. He found that the former had patients dying at a five times higher rate than the latter.

He found the male doctors and medical students would handle cadavers in the morgue before going to the maternity ward to deliver babies all without washing their hands, which was not a common practice at the time. (I kid you not... talk about 2020 privilege.) 

So Semmelweis theorized that the handling the dead bodies might be playing a role in the higher rate of puerperal fever in the male-staffed maternity ward.

So he did a test and instituted a simple chlorine hand washing solution for doctors and medical students. Deaths fell immediately. He performed an experiment, collected data, and saved lives in REAL-TIME.

Did the doctors listen? Nope. 

They did not like the inconvenient possibility that they might be responsible for patient deaths. So, as any good know-it-all human will do, they attacked the messenger. Ignaz Semmelweis was soon fired. He spent the rest of his life trying to convince (in vain) medical professions to wash their hands.

It wasn't until Louis Pasteur's germ theory became widely accepted that medical professionals started washing their hands... and only because of the social proof of the rest of the medical establishment. In America, it wasn't until the 1980s that the CDC started heavily promoting handwashing in response to an outbreak of foodborne outbreaks that handwashing became the standard we know today. That's 40 years ago, folks.

And here we are in 2020 thinking we know everything, just like the doctors in the early 1900s, the 1800s, the 1700s, etc.

I wonder what humans of 2100 will think about us. I imagine they will walk through their museums to view the primitive "tools" we use today next to a plaque explaining our rudimentary understanding.

Humans are dumb creatures designed by nature to do a few things very well in the wild. Yet today, we live in a complex world where everything in our environment is manipulated by man... to his own detriment. 

We all must look to human history to understand where we came from. Human nature does not change, only the times. And those that forget history repeat it.

Finally, think 100 years into the future and imagine what humanity will see when looking back on 2020: a bunch of primitive humans with primitive ideas propped up by mountains of ego.

The Myth of Systemic Oppression: Bad Ideas Are Holding You Back But Only If You Let Them

Today's topic is about how opportunity is colorblind.

I'm only covering the opportunity for "success" as it stands today in the United States. Success to you might be money, security, freedom, and/or family.

I'm not talking about police, the justice system, politics, the scam of college, or any typical job. I think we should all opt-out of each of these to our best ability since that's the only way you can take your life into your own hands.

That said, I hope to show you how the idea of oppression as it relates to success is a myth, and how it holds people back from achieving the very thing they want.

Let's set a foundational law: individuals create their life because of their actions.

This shouldn't come as a surprise, but for many brainwashed individuals today that grew up inside a bubble of comfort, this truism needs to be highlighted.

Life 101: you get the life you build for yourself and only that life.

Life 101: No one owes you anything

Life 101: if you want a better life, you must go out and earn it.

Life 101: The government should be less involved in citizen's day to day life, not more involved. And no individual should ever rely on it for anything, ever.

Life 101: You only reach the targets you focus on—if you focus on all the inequalities and problems in life, that's all you'll see, and it's what you'll get.

Ok, now that we got the basics down, here are some ideas that I hope will took root in more young minds out there.

  1. You can take free college courses online. The same courses so many are going into debt for.

  2. You can learn valuables skills online completely free—Video editing, photography and editing, sound design, podcasting, marketing, SEO, writing, copywriting, PPC, the list goes on.

  3. You can seek out independent sources of information to get an objective view of the world.

  4. You can study up on history, so you aren't doomed to repeat it.

  5. You can take these skills and find one of the millions of business owners and offer your services. Do work for free then watch as you grow your skills and client base to the point where you never have to worry about "opportunity" again because you will know how to make money.

And this can all be done through the phone in your pocket.


You don't need permission. You don't need some college, board or institution to approve you, accept you. And thus you don't even need to worry about them. Maybe they are racist; maybe they are blind, maybe they are just stupid. Who cares? 

You won't because you will become a self-reliant individual that can travel the world and support yourself through your hard work and intellect. 

This is the ultimate freedom, and it's available to us all.... if we go out and grab it.

Now, I don't know about you, but this sounds like a much Better action plan for the individual than kicking and screaming at people and otherwise trying to shame others into some kind of compliance you think is "right."

You can either spend your time making a ruckus while staying where you are, or you can get moving to where you want to go.

We are Living George Orwell's 1984 Right Now (The Beginning of The End For Free Thought and Society)

"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been re-written, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been re-named, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right."

― George Orwell

'Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.' 

-George Santayana

Why is this true?

Because humans are animals, and I don't mean this in a pejorative way: humans are animals called Homo sapiens sapiens.

We understand little about how our brain works. We know little about the Universe, physics, just about everything.

Yet we think we know more than we do.

There is a concept known as the dun and Krueger effect:

From Wikipedia:

In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability.

This is found in the typical individual. What applies to the individual also applies to the group. In fact, groups often take these psychology fallacies to the extreme—known as the madness of crowds.

Human nature is a hard thing to overcome. No other animal in the animal kingdom has evolved a consciousness that grants it the ability to question itself.

Only us.

And to put it mildly, our current iteration thus far is highly flawed. 

We are still evolving. Natural selection takes place each day shown in the "winners" and "losers" of nature (those that thrive and procreate and raise healthy offspring vs those that do not).

It's not like we are born with an operating manual. We come into this world learning what the people around us and our society tell us.

All humans are a product of their time. And time has not stopped. 

Over time we will evolve and become better adapted to our environment. This is Darwin 101.

So this idea that we know more than we do because we are the farthest along the timescale is a fallacy rooted in hubris.

As a result, humans are paradoxical creatures. We have a limitless capacity for love and helping fellow humans while winning the award for the most violent creature in the animal kingdom (no other species kills members of its species the way humans do).

We will evolve into a stronger, more equitable, and tolerant species by paying close attention to our history and our individual selves.

Censorship, erasing history, cancel culture, taking down statues, banning movies (like Gone With The Wind), shaming, berating, and comparing is OPPOSITE of what we must do.

If we continue down this path, if corporations and celebrities cower before the online mobs and issue fake apologies as a means of "damage control," if the average citizen is afraid to speak up for fear of online retribution, if we keep canceling people because of their beliefs or distasteful social media posts, then it is the beginning of the end.

I believe we have already started down the path. The creation of the police state depicted in Orwell's famous book 1984 is already in motion. And he predicted this future long before there was such thing as an Internet that is being used by governments to spy on its citizens and to easily manipulate them through propaganda at lightning-fast speed. 

The problems are countless, and so are the solutions.

It is overwhelming for the individual to consider where he or she should even start.

Here are a few ways I'm taking action:

  1. Call out dogma nad bad ideas and half-truths

  2. Stand up for what I believe

  3. Challenge statements and request facts to back them up

  4. Use questions more (Socrates knew what he was doing)

  5. Educate myself. Read more important works

  6. Become self-reliant to protect my family

  7. Buy crypto

  8. Buy some gold

  9. Figure out an escape plan (more on that later)

  10. Spread empathy and compassion rather than hostility 

I will be shifting more of my content over to the ideas of self-reliance, civil disobedience, and the promotion of common freaking sense.

I used to keep to myself and focus on my life. I don't generally like getting into negative and draining topics online. But things have reached what I feel is a tipping point, and if more of us don't take a stand, I fear our country is going to crumble. 

I don't want that future for my son or his generation.

Daily Podcast

How To Think: The Inversion Strategy That Helped Billionaires Charlie Munger and Warren Buffet Build Berkshire Hathaway

The Shut Up No One Cares Get Back To Work Podcast

A bite-size show covering Mindset, Productivity, and Big Ideas rooted in evergreen first Principles that will stand the test of time.

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

Daily 6

Daily tip, idea, or quote:

“It is remarkable how much long-term advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be very intelligent”

-Charlie Munger

“Knowing what you don’t know is more useful than being brilliant”

-Charlie Munger

Daily question to ponder:

What would you do if you woke up with 1 million dollars tomorrow? Better yet, what would you do after 6 months when you spent money and got sick of it?

Daily book recommendation:


Daily health tip:

Build a stretching practice. Get on the ground with a book or kindle and stretch. Or just meditate.

Daily cooking tip:

Use more salt. Here’s which ones I recommend Wild Pink Salt and Wild Kosher Flake Salt

Daily thought about money:


If you don’t know who you are or why you do what you do how can you manage your money? You can’t.

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/Colin Stuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.

Daily Podcast

Why It’s So Hard To Build Habits: The Law of Entropy and Regression To The Mean

Each of us has an average.

We work an average amount of hours. We spend an average amount of time on an average amount of things. We think an average amount of thoughts.  

On and on.

We are the result of what we typically do; they are a result of our average.

The reason for this is a principle known as regression to the mean or the idea that things tend to fall back into their typical homeostatic state.

This is why new habits are so hard to adopt, and old ones keep showing up despite our best intentions.

It's why people struggle in relationships hoping/wishing/praying their partner will change, and they never do. (Hint: change yourself rather than hoping someone else will. That is a better strategy.)

We all maintain a level of health, finances, and way of life-based on our average.

The law of entropy states that all things regress to disorder. All things break and fall apart, given enough time.

You can't do something one time and expect it to stay the same.

Works of art from the Renaissance are rigorously maintained to prevent decay. Your body must eat, sleep, and drink water, or it will break down. Astronauts must exercise 4+ hours a day to make sure their muscles don't atrophy.

On and on this goes.

Anything you want to create or maintain requires constant effort.

In some ways, this is quite depressing, and it feels hopeless. Think about it, are we destined to lives of struggle, continually juggling many balls in the air with no end in sight until we die?

In some ways, yes, we are doing precisely this.

Technology can make this a whole hell of a lot easier if we use it. So there's that.

But either way, the idea here today is one I want you to consider for the various areas of your life—your relationships, your health, your work.

Since every single thing in our life requires maintenance, you should become hyper-vigilant about what you take on in the first place.

This is where ideas like essentialism, minimalism, 80/20 Principles, and focus come into play. It's why they are all so profound for getting results and satisfaction out of life: because they are the only way you can go truly deep in the areas of your life that matter.

Each bit of your mind and body you give to something else is a bit less mind and body you can give to the things that matter to you.

Yet we do this all the time today without considering it. 

We let people monopolize our time and drone on. 

We let people mail us and call us and pop up things they want. We stay in toxic relationships and workplaces. We struggle to eke out a living and purpose in the myriad of muck we get pulled into on a daily basis.

On and on it goes, we are spread thin, and it saps our life away.

There is a better way. A simpler way. A deeper way.

It requires choosing a few select things you will focus on and building routines around these select few so that the doing becomes as effortless as possible. 

That is the key to fighting back entropy and regression to the mean. And it's the only real way you can grow anything to get profound results.

Those that accomplish big things focus. Those that hover around their average year after year are those that do too much and too shallow.

If you want results in life, if you want happiness and fulfillment, you must go deep into as few things as possible. You must ruthlessly cull the nonessential.

Become ruthless with what you let into your life. Become ruthless with how you spend your time and who you engage with. 

The best way to figure this is out is to define your values. Until you know who you are and what you value, you will never be able to do any of this.

Daily Podcast

How To Think Clearly: A Guide For Better Decision Making and Banishing Dangerous Thoughts

The Shut Up No One Cares Get Back To Work Podcast

A bite-size show covering Mindset, Productivity, and Big Ideas rooted in evergreen first Principles that will stand the test of time.

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

Daily 6

Daily tip, idea, or quote:

“If anything ail a man,” says Thoreau, “so that he does not perform his functions, if he have a pain in his bowels even ... he forthwith sets about reforming—the world.”

Daily question to ponder:

If you woke up tomorrow with a billion dollars, what would you do?

Try to find those deep meaningful things you’d do after you got all the vacationing and trips and buying out of the way. (You’ll do that, sure, but it’ll get old fast.)

Then try to do more of the things you would do in our life today. The idea that we have to wait until some future date when we have enough money to start living is the great fallacy of our age.

Daily book recommendation:

Big Magic - Just started reading it. I like it.

Daily health tip:

Go outside with a mat or in the grass. Do some stretches or yoga poses. Get sunlight, stretch, maybe listen to an audiobook. What better combination of things for mind and body than that?

Daily cooking tip:

Get an airfare and use it.

Daily thought about money:

Ignore the market news. None of watching the news related to markets is ever going to do anything for you other than lead you to making bad decisions.

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/Colin Stuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.

Daily Podcast

How To Think Logically: A Simple Mental Model For Getting Better Results

The Shut Up No One Cares Get Back To Work Podcast

A bite-size show covering Mindset, Productivity, and Big Ideas rooted in evergreen first Principles that will stand the test of time.

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

I’m going to take you through a thought experiment rather than go on and on citing famous people quotes and trying to inspire you that way.

My singular goal here is to infect your mind with a way of thinking about your problems and decisions. You probably suck at thinking. Most do, so don’t feel bad.

No one teaches us how to think? Have you ever taken a “How To Think” class? Doubt it.

Humans are born without an operating manual. You are a sack of flesh and bones which amount to a small pile of stardust when picked apart, yet you have the most powerful machine the Universe has ever created sitting between your ears—the human brain.

This power is greater than most people know how to control. So they misuse it or don’t use it at all, both a waste.

The thing I want to focus on today is a first principle of the human condition. To start, we need to go back to Ancient Greece.

Let’s kick it off with a simple quote from my favorite Stoic philosopher:
It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. -Epictetus

Accepting things outside of your control is a foundational tenant of Stoicism. People need to understand and accept this idea more than ever, which is why Stoicism has surged in popularity in recent years.

This idea is the lens we’re going to use to get better at thinking logically and making better decisions in general.

The first way to immediately level up your thinking is to stop wasting time in bad thinking patterns.

What are bad thinking patterns?

Well, there are many, but they usually stem from not respecting the quote above.

Most people spend time blaming others and playing the—poor me, how could they, etc.

This thinking trap is nothing more than gunk clogging up your mind, and this keeps you from thinking logically.

Simply put: don’t think emotionally.

If you think emotionally, you aren’t thinking logically. If you are thinking logically, you aren’t thinking emotionally.

See how that works?

So the first principle of thinking logically is removing all emotion. And you do this by identifying the law of your physical reality: you can only control how you respond to things.

You can never change the past no matter how many dreams of Marty McFly you wake up to. This is why the past is the ultimate grounding tool for reality: it forces you to accept and to go inward.

And this is the first step to better thinking.

Thinking logically comes in two parts:

  1. Accept you can’t change what has come to past no matter how unfair it is

  2. So the only choice you now have is to remove all emotion from your thought process.

Now that we’ve established some ground rules for thinking better—accept things outside your control and remove emotion—we can get to the other piece of the puzzle: personal responsibility.

Extreme ownership is a book you should read. The concept is a counterintuitive way of thinking more logically. It doesn’t seem like it should help you think better, but oh does it.

You see, most people waste time in hypotheticals, what-ifs, and maybes. These are usually based on other people or random circumstances—things outside of your control.

These are huge time-wasters, and they pull your mind away from things that move the needle.

Taking extreme ownership of your situation and what you’re going to do is paramount to thinking logically. Ownership is integral to the Stoic principle of accepting things outside of your control.

So what does this taking ownership thing look like?

Well, the answer to this is person dependent, but it generally involves intense focus on yourself and what you can do.

For example, start with making lists about possible actions you can take. Pro and con lists are useful. As are feature lists and benefit lists. You could journal away and brain dump anything that comes to mind.

By focusing on yourself and taking full responsibility for thinking about your situation, you’ll uncover better ideas for thinking logically, critically, and unemotionally, and this will help you get better results in life across the board.

Let’s review:

  1. Accept the things outside yourself rather than wasting time or energy fretting over them

  2. Channel your focus into what you can control as the center of your thinking

  3. Take extreme ownership of the things in your control and reason up from there

There are other strategies for thinking logically and some situations that may be more abstract and less on your shoulders, but you can’t go wrong with building these principles into strong thinking muscles. They are, after all, first principles of life, not just thinking, and are worth the investment.

The Daily 6

Daily tip or recommendation:

You can’t think logically if you are upset. Don’t even try. Take a day or an hour and get outside to take a walk or workout.

Daily book recommendation:

Mental Models by Farnam Street - short book, highly recommended

Daily health tip:

Thinking about your health should be simple. Do not complicate it. Here are the principles to focus on: eat real food, sleep a lot, move daily and often, let go of things, be in the moment, get sunlight, have relationships, have purpose, have hobbies, care about things, stop letting negativity and junk into your mind and body. That’s pretty much it.

Daily cooking tip:

Cook at home. Just do it. If you want anything for your health, you must center it around cooking real food.

Daily thoughts about money:

Don’t think about money in a fearful state. That’s how you end up repelling money. Always know that money can always be got.

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/Colin Stuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.

Daily Podcast

How Batching and Time Blocking Is The Key To Productivity

The Shut Up No One Cares Get Back To Work Podcast

A bite-size show covering Mindset, Productivity, and Big Ideas rooted in evergreen first Principles that will stand the test of time.

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

Researchers have shown it can take as much as 25 minutes to get back to the same mental state you were before being interrupting.

This is one reason why task switching is so detrimental to productivity and sanity. When your brain switches between tasks or focus, there is a cost of time and mental energy to get back to the same state as before.

When you consider the fact that your best work comes from a deep, focused flow state, it’s no wonder that most people never achieve truly great work.

The key to getting into flow is a rigid deep work routine where you focus on one thing at a time and there are ZERO distractions.

The second thing you can do is batching. That’s what I’m highlighting today.

Instead of editing, publishing and promoting one podcast at a time, I like to do 5. This saves a mountain of time around getting into the “getting things done” state as well as conserves mental energy from having to think about the process involved. No matter how many times you’ve done something, there is still a mental priming your brain goes through to enter this state.

By doing multiple things together, my mind get into flow state faster for each additional item I complete because the “how to” energy is taken care of on the first or second go- round.

There is a breaking in period to getting into flow which can take as long as 30 minutes—or more if you are in a distracted or tired state. This is the problem with not batching things and trying to juggle or constantly switch between tasks. The mental energy you spend, and the time, just getting into even a shallow flow routine is a huge waste.

Your action item for today is simple:

  1. Separate your tasks into Deep Work and Shallow work.

  2. Then schedule the time each day for each work bucket.

  3. Then do one thing at a time during that time and let your mind get into execution

    mode, ideally batching multiple to dos together before moving on to something else.

I’ve written extensively about Deep Work, so read Cal’s book if you are still fuzzy on the concept. For shallow work, batching and scheduling time that’s blocked out to get as many things done that are similar or the same will save you a mountain of time and energy and will simplify many aspects of your work life.

The Daily 6

Daily tip or recommendation:

Batch your cooking. Cook a week’s meals at a time or a few days. Use an instant pot, slow cooker and your oven to cook ahead.

Daily book recommendation:

Build a reading routine. I’ll like to do fiction at night before bed and non-fiction right when I wake up to get my creative juices flowing.

Daily health tip:

10 pushups a day. I now do 20.

It’s amazing how your body responds to consistency. If you are consistent, your body will adapt.

Daily Cooking Tip

Pat your proteins super dry before searing. Liquid is the enemy of a good crust. You’ll end up steaming the sides of your proteins which gives you that ugly brown or grayish color. Always pat your proteins super dry.

Daily thoughts about money:

Think long term.
Stop trying to time the market.

I see on YouTube and often hear from friends about buying this stock or that because of what’s probably going to happen. This is a fools’ errand.

Instead think about owning a company for years on end. Buy it today then have no plans to sell it. Like ever.

That’s how you win in investing, business and life: think long term.

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/Colin Stuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.

Daily Podcast

How To Be Successful In Life: Utilizing The Power of Focus To Achieve Success and Fulfillment

The Shut Up No One Cares Get Back To Work Podcast

A bite-size show covering Mindset, Productivity, and Big Ideas rooted in evergreen first Principles that will stand the test of time.

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

The more you focus the better your life will be.

Bold statement, I know, but irrefutable.

This applies to your work, relationships, learning, anything, everything.

When you focus, you get more results from the thing you focus on and more fulfillment from life in general. They are linked.

The Daily 6

Daily tip or recommendation:

Say No more often. And not just no to people asking you for things, but no to the things you let into your mind. The content you consume, the news you watch, the gossip you engage in or listen to.

Daily book recommendation:

Essentialism by Greg Mckewon

Daily health tip:

I bought a $250 treadmill from Amazon walk on it while reading in my garage. You could do this for your standing desk as well.

Daily Cooking Tip

Get a delicate flake salt, like Wild Kosher Flake Salt, and keep that on your table for finishing your meals. Generally, a few sprinkles on your plate is going to add more flavor and a bit of crunch. So use often and especially if your food is under seasoned.

Daily thoughts about money:

Chase fulfillment, not money, and you’ll end up getting the money.

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/Colin Stuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.

Daily Podcast

Why the Word Success is Broken and How to Build An Extraordinary Life Based On Your Fundamental Human Drives

The Shut Up No One Cares Get Back To Work Podcast

A bite-size show covering Mindset, Productivity, and Big Ideas rooted in evergreen first Principles that will stand the test of time.

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

We think success is being famous or having money or power. But is it really?

Let’s get down to the core drives for the human animal:

  • Autonomy - having control over how you spend each day

  • Purpose - spending your time contributing to something that matters outside of yourself

  • Self-actualization - being the best you can be, striving for betterment

  • Community - belonging to a group

  • Security

That’s pretty much it.

I don’t see any of these needing money or fame or success or 1,000,000 Tipton rollers to achieve.

In fact, I see the trappings of success opposing these natural human drives.

Look at any famous person or rich person or powerful person and more often than not you'll see a stressed-out individual.

Mo Money Mo Problems said the late Biggie Smalls.

I sense Biggie was someone pulled into the “rap game” begrudgingly.

I also think the same could be said of Tupac, his rival. For Tupac, I'm sure he struggled with his bad-boy gangster image and the poet/philosopher/artist that he was deep down inside. It just wasn't cool to be an artist in the hood during the 90s, especially if you were in the rap game.

Today I want to analyze the fundamental human drives and show how money, fame, and power can hinder their pursuit.

The Daily 6

Daily tip or recommendation:

Use mind maps to brainstorm.

Daily book recommendation:

Fiction - this isn’t a book, but a category recommendation. I know many Type A personalities that don’t read fiction. I always tell them they are missing out on one of the greatest self-development and success hacks there is. I bet I’ve learned more from reading fiction than non-fiction and I’ve read hundreds of non-fiction books over the years.

Daily health tip:

Daily reading practice before you go to bed. This is the perfect way to wind down and if you struggle to fall asleep, get into bed 1 hour before bedtime and read in low light, ideally orange glow, candlelight or dimmable light.

Daily Cooking Tip:

Build a routine with your family around cooking and get the entire family involved.

Daily thoughts about money:

Be scrappy. With YouTube, things like the free section on Craigslist, eBay, Amazon, you can probably repair 90% of the things you try to replace.

Pour over invoices. Challenge every charge. Always double check receipts. The amount of overcharging that goes on is insane. I guesstimate it’s multiple billions a year in money that people lose by not paying attention to their bank accounts.

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/Colin Stuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.

Daily Podcast

How To Deal With Stress In A Positive Way [Channel Negative Energy Into Positive Results]

The Shut Up No One Cares Get Back To Work Podcast

A bite-size show covering Mindset, Productivity, and Big Ideas rooted in evergreen first Principles that will stand the test of time.

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

The Daily 6

Daily tip or recommendation:

Try a meditation app. Calm or some others. You can also meditate in the shower, on the ground when stretching, or taking a walk. Count your breath in and out. Try to hit 30 at a time. 30 on in-breath, 30 on out-breath.

Meditation is simple as this.

Daily book recommendation:

The Art of Living by Sharon Libbel - This is based on Epictetus’ work. It’s one of the first books on Stoicism I read and I’ve gifted it over 20 times to friends and family.

Daily health tip:

Exercise - you can do 10 pushups, 10 squats and a couple of planks each day as a baseline fitness routine. If you aren’t exercising at all, you are making your body and mind fragile. You won’t live as long as you could.

Daily Cooking Tip

Do not buy foods that have ingredients you don’t recognize. If you can’t pronounce it, don’t buy it.

Daily thoughts about money:

Stop eating out.

You’ll save time, money and your health.

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/Colin Stuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.

Daily Podcast

How To Get More Done By Doing Less (Do This One Thing Every Day)

There is a state called flow. It’s defined by intense focus on one thing.

Athletes love their sport because of the flow state—extreme athletes especially, many of which wouldn’t take the life and death risks if not for the supreme in-the-now flow state.

Buddha defined suffering as living in the past or future.

When you are intensely in the now, everything else goes away. All your fears, regrets, and pain, gone the second you enter flow.

And this is the key to getting your best work done in less time.

Find flow. Then keep finding it as much as you can in your life. Over and over.

The way to find flow in your work is simple: cultivate a two hours a day Deep Work routine.

Then protect that with every fiber of your being.

Block off your calendar. Go into airplane mode. Be tucked away in a corner where no one will find you or disturb you.

Deep Work is the foundation of all great achievement.

If you read the book Daily Rituals, you find the same themes: artists, scientists, and great thinkers all set aside time each and every day to be alone and work. (And many took long walks each day.)

Here’s a bold promise: if you cut your work day in half, then batched your work into shallow work and deep work, you would get more done in half the time.

I guarantee it. I’d bet $1000 on it.

But this doesn’t come naturally. It’s a hard thing. You have to commit and continually refine your routine to make sure you aren’t veering. And you will try to veer.

Trust me, it’s hard.

This is why time blocking out a consistent schedule you repeat every day is paramount. Deep work is best when you do it the same time each day. Your brain gets used to the routine and thus gets into the flow easier and faster.

I’ve been working for myself for 13+ years—multiple businesses, a couple successful exits, plenty of failures, and still going.

The one thing I tell anyone that’s interested in doing their own thing is this: 2 hours a day of Deep Work.

That’s it.

Few will ever do this. I don’t think anyone I’ve ever given this advice to has ever done this even ONCE. (If that isn’t a telling example of why most people never achieve their dreams then I don’t know what is.)

All you have to do is this:

  1. Go somewhere you won’t be disturbed

  2. Go into airplane mode. No distractions or notifications whatsoever.

  3. Pull up your task at hand, writing, planning, thinking, note taking, researching, whatever it


  4. Do that for 2 hours minimum (many times you will go over)

Then do it again tomorrow. And the next day.

This is the secret to getting more done in less time. It’s also the secret to success.

The Daily 6

Daily tip or recommendation:

Take walks in nature without screens or audio. There are some theories that going in nature helps revitalize your brain. I agree.

Daily book recommendation:

Deep work. I’ve now recommend this book 4 times on this show. Have you read it yet? Why not?

Daily health tip:

Take walks and listen to an audiobook or podcast. This’ll get you moving and building your mind.

Daily Cooking Tip

When you season your food, use enough salt to the point which it feels like you’ve used too much. Then you’ve probably properly seasoned. And if you over-season, good, that’s how you learn.

Daily thoughts about money:


If you want to become good with money, you must understand why you are, what you want, and the things you try to compensate for.

Explore your childhood. Your relationships. Find the mistakes you keep repeating. The trends. Then get to work improving.

That’s the sure-fire way to be better with money that no financial guru ever talks about.

Until you know yourself, you’ll spend money in ways you don’t understand for purposes you aren’t aware of.

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/Colin Stuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.

Daily Podcast

Warren Buffet’s “Top 5” Goal System For Reaching Your Highest Goals

The Shut Up No One Cares Get Back To Work Podcast

A bite-size show covering Mindset, Productivity, and Big Ideas rooted in evergreen first Principles that will stand the test of time.

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

Daily Big Idea

Your results come from your ability to do things that are hard. Sometimes the difficulty for you will come from your friends and family and peer group. Sometimes it will come from not understanding and being honest with yourself. Sometimes it’ll be the Universe throwing up hurdles every step of the way.

Most of the time, it’ll be all of these in one big shit sundae.

If you want to achieve anything in life, your results are going to come from the things that are hard for you.

No matter what your strengths are, you have weaknesses, and overcoming your weaknesses is where most results come from. We all default to the things that come naturally, that’s easy. It’s the things that are hard that holds most people back.

Few people charge headfirst into hard.

As this relates to goal setting, you probably struggle with one or more aspects of achieving goals.

Here are a few mistakes people make with goal setting:

  1. Not defining goals clearly, down to the penny, day, award, etc.

  2. Not reverse engineering goals —not figuring out a way to achieve goals thus making them

    nothing more than pie in the sky ideals

  3. Doing too many things, saying yes to too many things

Number 3 is what I want to highlight today.

The Warren Buffet method, which you can read about here, is simple: List out top 25 goals for your career/life.

Do it, now, then come back.

Now take the top 5 on that list of the most important to you.

Now circle the other 20.

The list of 20 is your DO NOT DO AT ALL COSTS LIST.

So each day you wake up, you focus on the TOP 5 goals. That's it. Every bit of your work and focus should be towards those only.

You could even cut this down to one or two things.

Then use the following habits to work on these goals daily:

  1. A deep work routine

  2. Protecting the first few hours of your day and focusing

  3. Saying NO to anything not applicable to your top 5

  4. A schedule/time blocking

The Daily 6

Daily Quote:

“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” -Bruce Lee

Daily tip or recommendation:

Habits are routines. Routines are habits. The more your habits become part of your routine, the less you think about them. You just do them. That is the productivity and time management nirvana: having your habits that make you better and move you towards your goals as part of your daily routine.

Daily book recommendation:

Awareness - I haven’t finished the book, but the first half I've read is great. This is something Tim Ferris has been recommending to a lot of people.

Daily health tip:

Simplify your routine.

Exercise: a few exercises, a few modalities, a simple weekly routine you stick to. Food: eat real food you cook at home (this will take care of 95% of your diet considerations).

Movement: take a daily walk.

Nature: get outside for that daily walk.

Sleep: get a sound machine and get in bed 9 hours before you have to wake—read for the first hour or so to unwind.

Relationships: schedule rituals like family dinner, board game night, date night. Then DO NOT SKIP.

Work: find work you care about, focus most of our energy there, say NO to all the noise around it.

That’s the template for an amazing life full of health and longevity.

Daily Cooking Tip:

Simplify your cooking: Get some Wild Pink Salt, a cast iron pan, some avocado oil or grass- fed ghee. Preheat pan. Place ingredient in pan. Turn after a few minutes. Turn again after a few minutes. Finish in oven until done or take right out of pan and serve. Taste and adjust seasoning.

Daily thoughts about money:

Simplify your money.

Have one card, one bank account, one savings account, one investment account, one “hidden” account for putting money away so you forget about it and don’t spend it.

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/Colin Stuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.

Daily Podcast

“The oldest, shortest words – ‘yes’ and ‘no’ – are those which require the most thought.” -Pythagoras

The Shut Up No One Cares Get Back To Work Podcast

A bite-size show covering Mindset, Productivity, and Big Ideas rooted in evergreen first Principles that will stand the test of time.

I’m your host Colin Stuckert, Founder/CEO of Wild Foods Co and TheAncestralMind.com Podcast - I’m obsessed with living the best life possible and I want to help you do the same.

“The oldest, shortest words – ‘yes’ and ‘no’ – are those which require the most thought.” -Pythagoras

“Focusing is about saying no.” -Steve Jobs

The paradox of success is this: the more success you achieve the more opportunistic come your way and pull you away from what made you successful in the first place.

The more experience you get, the more you can do.
As your skills increase, your ability to take on more increases.

Maybe you said yes in the beginning. Great, that’s probably how you stumbled upon success in the first place. And if you’re still young with few obligations, say yes to everything. Get experience, try and fail, learn new skills, fuck shit up. It’s going to happen anyways, so embrace it.

Then, as you get results, you flip the script: say no most of time and yes hardly ever.

As you evolve, the relationships between how often you say “yes” and the cost of life you pay increases.

It’s kinda like being a kid and growing into an adult with responsibilities, family, and work.

When you’re young, you have unlimited time and energy.

As age and responsibility creep, you have limited time and energy.

Success is the same except it tricks us: we become more effective and it tricks us into believing we can do more. So we do more. We start more. We plan more.

And it all comes at a cost in the form of mental sanity, physical health, relationships, happiness.

The more you take on, the more cost you pay.

As Thoreau said, “The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run.”

Success is actually a trap for most. It is very hard to strike a balance. Few do it.

Look at someone like Jobs and you see he executed NO beautiful with his return to Apple, but failed with his family and health.

Elon Musk is an example of what not to do. He’s awesome and we need people like him, but few will be able to do what he’s done and most people should never try.

We can all strive for, and achieve, a simple life that includes deep relationships, optimal health, and meaningful work.

I believe this is attainable by everyone, but still, few will achieve it.

The best chance you have is NO.

Today’s world is defined by limitless option.

The winners today say NO to most things so they can focus. That’s where results come from now more than ever: focus.

This applies to mental health, physical health, relationship health, work health, everything since your results come from doing a few things well rather than a lot of things poorly.

Say NO to most things and spend the limited time and energy you have on the few YESes... that’s how you can build a wonderful life and be as successful as you want at the same time.

The Daily 6

Daily tip or recommendation:

Self-awareness. This is a muddy topic with a lot to explore. So I want you to start thinking about it. Here are a few strategies for getting better at honing your awareness muscle.

1. Ask yourself hard questions and truthfully answer. And when you are lying to yourself it feel good, call yourself out. (If this was all you did, you’d become miles ahead of most people.)
2. Read up on psychology, biology and evolutionary biology. The more you understand about the human animal, the better you’ll catch those tendencies you have that keep you unaware.

Daily book recommendation:

Choose yourself by James Alturcher. Simple book with a very important concept. If you aren’t choosing yourself, who is choosing for you?

Daily health tip:

Board game night. Or family dinner.

Do something that is a ritual with your friends and family. The more you can adopt these the better your life will be in every measurable way. This is, unfortunately, a dying trend with our species.

Daily Cooking Tip

Get your cooking fats down. I use avocado oil and grass-fed ghee for high heat searing. Use coconut oil for backing and lard. Use MCT oil for coffee, tea, smoothies and low heat cooking like scrambled eggs. Use tallow for all medium heat cooking.

Daily thoughts about money:

If you want to invest without the hassle, consider something like Wealthfront or just buy a vanguard index fund that tracks the S&P 500. Don’t worry about picking individual stocks or paying attention to the market. Just set it and forget it. And stow away as much as you can every month. This is an easy path to wealth for anyone. You just have to commit to it. A good book to read on the topic is The Richest Man in Babylon.

Disclaimer: this is not financial or investment advice. Just my opinion on money.

Support The Show

If you’d like to support the show, head over to Patreon.com/Colin Stuckert to become part of my effort to share big ideas that you can use to make yourself and the world a better place.

If you hit the LIKE button for YouTube that also supports the show and subscribe so you see all then updates.

Much appreciated!

Now get out there and do something within yourself. Do something to make yourself better and the world.

I’m rooting for you.

This show is sponsored by Wild Foods Co: Real Foods from Small Suppliers around the world. The products I use on a daily basis. Use code WILDCEO for 12% off your entire order.